
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

my flower long write

Hi there bloggers, today I am back with another blog post. Today my blog post is going to be about my long write that I did. It is about being in a field of flowers and for writing this week we are focusing on deaption. What are you doing in writing at the moment? This was a little bit hard for me because there was not really that much to build on. But I think I did a good job with what I had.

It was great the colours the sounds everything that was there in the moment was amazing. The Honeysuckles were by my ears as I lay there in the warm sun. I see one of the Honeysuckles I go over to it and eat some nice flavors that are in flower. I get up and start to walk around in the flowers. I feel as if I was one of them. As soft as a wind can blow the breeze was nice and then all of the flowers started calling out to me. 

Once then all I could see was me being one of them and flying around in the wind. Then the wind coming off the windmill was the best thing that had ever happened to me, I could see myself flying away with my flower friends. Then after I went to go pee pee I had to lie down and just take it all in. I was thinking to myself this is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life.

Then when I was laying down I could hear something coming in the flowers I sat up and said” do not be scared my friend I am a friend not a hurter”. Then a dog came out and came over for a Cuddy it had a little name tack and it said Jack on it. Then we played for hours and hours, then after all of that all I could do was to have some food and that would be the best day ever.

Then I idea came into my head I pulled out my phone and then went onto Ubereats. I went to Mcdonalds and then went order. After about 15 minutes the food got there Jack and I were there for hours. This was the best day of my life. Then I went home and Jack came with me.

The End

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