
Thursday, November 1, 2018


This week we have been doing a lot of recounts. So we are going to blog about our recounts. I'm doing my Athletics recount that we did on Monday. I think that I did very well on my Athletics recount. What I found hard was putting it into chronological order. But I think that I did very well at doing it. I have learned how to put bits of writing into chronological order. I think that I have improved on my full stops the most and I am very happy about that because I have been trying to be able to put full stops into my stories for a long time. I hope that you like my recount there it is bye.

Today is Athletics day and I am so pumped for it. The first thing that we had to do was go out onto the court. Then Mr. Robinson did his usual speech which was really really boring. Then when he finished the year 7/8 boys and girls went to discuss. My best throw was 10 meters and 80 centimeters. Last year I throw 8.79 meters and I got first I'm my year level. Which I thought was really good.

Then after all of us were finished throwing we all went off to sprints. In the first race, we did 80 meters I got 3rd in that race. Then in the 100-meter sprint, I got 2nd. Then we went over to high jump and I was so bad my best is 97 cm but sadly I only made it up to 93 cm and I had to get 1.10 meters to go to zones for the high jump so yeah I would probably need a miracle to get that.

After the high jump we went to long jump and actually, I kind of did okay I got 2 meters and 73 cm I was proud of myself for getting that because I am very bad at long jump. But this time I did okay for once in my life so yeah.

Then it was our final event for Athletics so I said to myself, come on Liam give it our best shot yeah get it because it’s called shot put, man I'm funny. But I think that I did do okay I throw a good 7.31 meters and I was really proud of myself because last year I throw 5.36meters in shot put so that is a big improvement from what I got last year.

Well, that is my Athletics day done and dusted for 2018 and overall I think that I did better than I think I was going to get in all of the events. But sadly I still have to do the 1000 meter race that I did last year and I got 2nd from years 4 to 6 and first in my year group but this year it is 1200 meters race so which me luck.

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